January 1, 2011- Hello! Happy new year! I realize it has been quite some time since I updated this
website. My apologies. 2010 was a great yet very busy year for me. I'm hoping to do a major update to this
website as soon as possible.
Last night I had the priviledge of performing at a special "Midnight Masquerade" new year's eve party here in Saint John.
It was incredible! Beautiful venue, old and new friends, and lots of great music. I had a blast. Many thanks
to everyone who came out and celebrated with us. Photos will be posted soon.
I have many big, ambitious plans for 2011. If all goes well (and if I can find the time) I would like to release
4 new albums this year. Yes, I know, I'm crazy. :) But I think this is very do-able. Here is a rundown
of the albums I plan to release:
1. A new Gary Flanagan album. This will be very pop and upbeat, with strong lyrics. Very much a "classic
rock" kind of outing. Lots of synths, but also some acoustic and electric guitar. Very catchy and hummable.
No filler....I will try to make each song as strong as possible.
2. I am planning to release a new album under a new side project called "Capitain Galactique". This will
be a very spacey, dancey disco album with robot vocals in French. Heavily influenced by 70's space disco, in particular
Giorgio Moroder.
3. I am also hoping to do an entire album of synth instrumentals (all original). The entire disc will be
100% analogue. No digital synths allowed. :)
4. A GF Christmas album!!! Yep, you heard it here first. A Christmas album featuring old classics as
well as original compositions by yours truly.
Here are some videos that you can feel free to check out.
First, here is a cover of the Human League song "Seconds" that I recorded with my friend Devin:
"Seconds" cover
My cover of "Last Christmas" by Wham :) :
"Last Christmas" cover
Also, please join my Facebook page. I would be honoured to have you join my group!
Gary Flanagan's Facebook group!
That's all for now. Keep checking back here for updates.
All the best in 2011!!!!
May 31, 2010- Hey! How are you? Hope you are all doing well.
Things have been great on my end. The creative juices have been flowing freely. :) Lots of new gear
means lots of new sounds which means lots of new songs. I have been keeping busy with a variety of projects, and thinking
ahead about stuff I would love to do in the future. On the immediate horizon is a new album (due out in 2011) and the
long awaited Gary Flanagan DVD. Plus, lots of remixes, collaborations and other exciting stuff.
Yes, "Europe" received a very nice review from DJ Gio in Italy. Check out what he said (hopefully you can read
A Review of "Europe"!
SHOW!!!! Yes, I will be making my first public appearance in almost two years. I will be playing at
the Sunstar Lounge in Saint John, NB, on June 4th. Show starts around 10 PM. 19+. This is a fund raiser
for the excellent "Tempest" zine. Also playing will be DJ Hawk, Meateus, and Adam Mowery. It is a covers show,
so each act will be doing covers of songs by one band or singer that they really admire. I have chosen.....drum roll
please......The Talking Heads! This is going to be one hell of a show. Come out and have fun!

That's all for now! Please keep checking back here, and if you ever want to contact me just to say hi, please feel
free! muzikman84@hotmail.com
Take care!
April 7, 2010- Hello! I have another free download for you all. This time it's my 2008 minimal wave
album "Europe". Hurry, this will only be posted for 7 days! You can download it here:
Plus, feel free to check out a remix that I recently did of Depeche Mode's classic "Enjoy The Silence":
"Enjoy The Silence" (Gary Flanagan Remix)
Please keep checking back to this website and my MySpace page. 2010 is going to be a very busy and productive year
for me. Lots of exciting plans for new albums, shows, videos, remixes, collaborations and much more!!!!
Take care,
February 24, 2010- Hey! For a limited time, you can download my 2008 album "Damariscotta" absolutely free!
If you like "Speak and Spell' by Depeche Mode, or anything by Vince Clarke, you should like this album. Here's the link
to download it:
"Damariscotta" for free!!!
February 22, 2010- Hello everyone! I hope 2010 has been treating you all very well!
I just had a few things to mention. It looks like this year is going to be a much more musically productive year
for me.
I plan to release a brand new synthpop album, hopefully by the end of 2010. It will be similar to my previous synthpop
albums, however I envision it being a bit more minor and dark, with more vocal harmonies. Sort of in the vein of Camouflage
or Alphaville. Anyway, I will keep you updated as this project progresses.
I also have some cool videos to share with you. Check out the cover I recently recorded of Kraftwerk's "Radioactivity"!:
Gary's Cover of Radioactivity
Here is also a very cool video of a nice young lady I have never met, dancing to "Metro Boulot Dodo":
Woohoo! Look at her go!
I am also very happy to announce that my video for "Summertime" recently appeared on the BPM TV show "The Underground".
This is a show very similar to "Pop-Up Video". Check it out:
"Summertime" on "The Underground"!
Also, plans are underway for a video for my song "No Words Have I". I hope to get that underway soon.
Lots of cool, exciting stuff on the horizon. Stay tuned for details about a giveaway contest,
a remix contest, and tons of other fun stuff.
Take care!
November 29, 2009- Hello everyone!! Long time no speak! :) My apologies for not updating this
page in such a long, long time. It has been a very busy and eventful year for me. Unfortunately I haven't had
much time to dedicate to new musical projects. However I am confident that that will soon change.
I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has passed along such nice feedback about my two latest albums
"Damariscotta" and "Europe". You are all very kind. It seems nowadays it is harder to sell CDs and get your music
out there (despite the fact that we now have the internet). And since I have stopped performing live, it is even harder.
So, many thnaks to everyone for their continued support, despite my "absence". :)
I have been hard at work on an anniversary edition of my old zine Nightwaves. I stopped printing this zine in 2005,
and started a website in its place:
In addition to the zine, I am also working on a companion CD compilation. This disc will feature underground electronic
acts from all over Canada. I am so happy with how this has turned out. If you would like a copy, please contact
I also still have copies available of the great split 7" that I appeared on earlier this year with Electro Chiac Therapie.
This is an awesome record, and for me was one of my musical highlights of 2009. Get one before they're gone!!!
Contact me for more info: muzikman84@hotmail.com
***GIVEAWAY!!! CONTEST!!!!*** Yep, that's right. I will send you my entire "Europe" album FREE as MP3
files! All you have to do is answer this question: What band released an EP called "The Dignity of Labour" in
1979? First three people to answer correctly get the MP3s free!!! muzikman84@hotmail.com
That's about all my news for now. I am hoping to have a new Gary Flanagan album released sometime late next year.
Plus, I am still considering to produce a GF DVD. Stay tuned for more details.
All the best!
July 9th, 2009- "Europe" has charted again!!!!
I am super happy to report that my album "Europe" has hit the charts again, this time it reached number 7 on the Electronic
charts for CJSR radio in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Thank you CJSR for playing my songs!
It appeared on their charts for the week ending June 30, 2009.
June 8th, 2009- SHOW!!!!! Yes, I am once again slipping out of retirement for what promises to be a
very fun evening. I will be playing a house show on Saturday, June 27th. This will be at Leanne's house (9 Clarendon
Street) in Saint John. This will be an 80's themed house party, so dig out your skinny leather ties and leg warmers!
Also playing will be Peter P. $5. If you're interested in coming to this show, e-mail me and I will get you on
the guest list. :) muzikman84@hotmail.com Starts around 9PM.
Also... BIG NEWS!!!! The split 7 inch between myself and Electro Chiac Therapie is now available!!! Order
a copy today! Just $10 ($7 plus $3 postage). Available at select outlets and various shows in the Maritimes.
You can Paypal $10 to muzikman84@hotmail.com. Or, e-mail me and I'll set you up as quickly and easily as possible. :) This is a genuine collector's
item....very limited quantities, so order yours now!
April 9th, 2009- Hello! After a long period of silence, I thought that I should bring you all up to speed.
As usual, there's been lots going on. I hope you all pulled through the winter. I know that I am very ready for
*FREE MP3s*!!! Yes, you heard it right. I am ready and willing to give my wonderful fans
a free MP3 of their choosing. Why am I doing this? Research. Most of the time I have no idea who is reading
these pages, or visiting this website. So, to get a better idea, I want to get to know my fans a bit better. If
you are reading these words, you are automatically eligible for a free MP3. All you have to do is send me an e-mail
saying your name and where you are from. That's it! I will reply to your e-mail with a free MP3 attached to the
message. I would love to hear from you! You can e-mail me at muzikman84@hotmail.com
TV/Website Appearance! Yes, the video for my song "Summertime" is currently being featured on the dance music website
BPM. The video will also soon be appearing on their TV channel, which is broadcast nationally. Feel free to contact
them and request my video! Check out their website!:
bpm tv
"Europe" has charted! I am proud to say that "Europe" has appeared on the charts of campus
radio CFBX in Kamloops, British Columbia. It placed at #9 on their "Electronic" chart. Take a look:
Top 10 Electronic Albums 1)Ursula 1000 – Mystics (ESL) 2)Circlesquare* - Songs About
Dancing and Drugs (Boompa) 3)Banjo Consorsium* - A Remixed One (9.12) 4)The Hermit* - Turn Up (The Stereo) (So Called) 5)Electroluminescent*
- Measures (Black Mountain) 6)Montag* - Hibernation (Paper Bag) 7)Christer* - Techna (File Under: Music) 8)The BPA
– We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat (Southern Fried) 9)Gary Flanagan* - Europe (Independent) 10)City Paranoid –
A Means to No End (Independent)
SPLIT 7 INCH!!!! Yes, you heard me talk about this for a long time. Well, it has finally
become a reality. The split 7 inch record between myself and ECT has materialized! I heard the test pressing a
few weeks ago and it sounds EXCELLENT! The finishing touches are being made on the packaging for the records, then it
will be released to the masses! ECT has three songs on their side of the 7 inch, and my alter ego Reclusive Mute has
two. Included is an edited version of "Cheryl Demon", which is slightly different from the version on the album, as
well as the track "Soda Pop" which is previously unreleased. Quantities are SEVERELY limited, so please order a copy
as soon as they are released. Oh, and did I mention that some of these discs will be released on pink vinyl?!?!
Check out the bands' music:
Electro Chiac Therapie
Reclusive Mute
The GOLDEN DAYS OF ANALOGUE! Yes, my first two albums have been re-issued digitally by Ninthwave, and I couldn't
be happier. The two albums are now available for download under the title "The Golden Days of Analogue". Included
amongst these songs are such well known tracks as "Written On A Napkin", "We Have The Dancefloor To Ourselves", "Night Club",
"Leave Your Ambition At The Door", and "All We Are". You can now download these tracks through the widget on the home
page of this website, or from Amazon.com. Here is the link:
Gary on Amazon.com
That's about all for now. Please keep a close eye on my MySpace page, especially the blog (if
you haven't all ready, please subscribe to my MySpace blog). I will be posting some new songs very soon that I
recently recorded (including a cover of a certain Depeche Mode song), so please keep visiting this page:
Gary's MySpace
Also, stay tuned for a very exciting CD giveaway contest!
Hope you are all doing well!
Take care,
January 26th, 2009- Hello! I hope the new year has been treating you all well. There has been lots
of exciting and great things going on recently in my musical world. So, once again, I'll try to bring you all up to
I just uploaded a bunch of new photos onto the "PHOTO GALLERY" page of this website. Check 'em out. Plus,
there's also some new shots on the "FAN PAGE". Take a look...you may just find yourself on that page. ;)
I'm also happy to announce a new page on this website called "FAQs". On this page, I answer questions that people frequently
pose to me. Many of them are related to my two new albums "Europe" and "Damariscotta".
Speaking of the two new albums, reaction to these discs has been extremely positive. Thanks to everyone for your
kind words. If you want to get a copy of these albums, but you currently can't afford it, I have a solution. In
these tough economic times, I have come up with an answer. I am now using a "pay me later" policy with my discs.
If you want them, just tell me your address and I will send them to you. Payment up front is not necessary. Just
send me payment later through the mail or PayPal, whenever you can afford it. I trust my fans. :)
You can also hear a few tracks from these two new albums on MySpace:
Gary's MySpace
I have also uploaded the fan favorite "This Is My Robot" on my MySpace page. This one is always requested at shows.
:) Now you can listen to it any time you want on my MySpace page!
You can listen to an interview I recently did on CFMH radio in Saint John, New Brunswick. It
was on the show "Serf City" with Mark Leger. I appeared on the November 27th episode:
Gary's Interview
SHOW FOOTAGE! Yes, a show I did last month in Saint John was videotaped and edited by Nick and Arif. Thanks
guys! Here it is:
Gary Live at Melvin's
I'm very pleased and honored to be involved with a very special memorial tribute. This page
is in memory of the people who were shot last summer at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. My song
"Despite All Our Worries" has been included as part of the tribute:
TVUUC Tribute
I am also very pleased to announce that Ninthwave has decided to re-release my first two albums "Anthems For The Young
At Heart" and "Another Coin In The Daydream Machine". Both of these albums, including some previously unreleased bonus
tracks, will be available for download from iTunes, along with photos and essays contributed from myself and a variety of
fans. I'm very excited about this! Hard to believe it has been ten years since those albums came out. I
don't yet have the link for these downloads, but keep checking back, as I will post the link as soon as I receive it.
In the meantime, here is some artwork for the re-issue (collectively, the two albums are being re-released as "Golden Days
of Analogue"):
Another person I have worked with extensively over the past few years is Mark Sheppard, the brains behind the band The
Offering. We have recently collaborated on a project called "The Electric Twins", which is basically a two song digital
single that you can download from iTunes. I'm very proud of these songs! Here's the link:
I am also impossibly excited for a split 7" that I will soon be appearing on. On one side will
be the excellent Halifax band ECT, and the other side will be two tracks by my alter-ego Reclusive Mute. One of the
RM songs will be a track that is unavailable anywhere else! And, get this....some of the records will be pressed on
PINK VINYL!!!! This is going to be good. :) Keep checking back here for further details.
That's about it for now. I think I may also be doing another Saint John show sometime in late February. Details
are forthcoming.
Thanks again for all your support, and keep having fun!
December 14th, 2008- SHOWS! Yes, I have two shows coming up in the near future, both in Saint John, and both
one right after the other. The first will be on Saturday, December 20th at Melvin's in Saint John. This is on
Canterbury Street. Starts at 10 PM. 19+. Free admission. Also playing will be the excellent Wooden
Then, a week later, I'll be playing at Melvin's again on December 27th. This show will feature Wet Grow Light,
The Trick and A/V. Both of these shows will be a blast, I guarantee it. See you then! I'll be selling copies
of my new discs at both of these shows.
November 26th, 2008-
Hi. I will be appearing live on the radio on two separate occasions over the coming days.
The first appearance will be Thursday, November 27th, between 6:30 and 7 PM Atlantic Standard Time. This will be
on CFMH 107.3 FM in Saint John. If you live outside of the Saint John area, you can listen online at:
Just go to the top of the screen and click on "Listen online". On this appearance I will be interviewed on the excellent
show Serf City by Mike and Mark. Also, if you live in another time zone, just look online for a time zone converter
and it will tell you when this show will be broadcast in your time zone.
The second appearance will also be on CFMH. On Friday, November 28th, I will be actually performing live on the air.
I am doing a show at Colonel Tucker's Pub in Saint John, and the show is being simulcast live. This will be starting
at 4 PM Atlantic Standard time. I will be playing old favorites as well as material from the new albums.
Hope you can tune in!!!
November 23, 2008- Saint John show!!! Yes, I'll be playing a special afternoon show this Friday, November the 28th.
It will be happening at Colonel Tucker's pub, on the campus of UNBSJ. Contact me if you need directions. The show
will be starting at 4 PM, and will also be broadcast live on CFMH 107.3 FM. I'll be playing some old favorites, as well
as new tracks from my two new albums. See you there!
Plans are also underway for a special holiday show towards the end of December in Saint John. Keep checking back
to this page for more details.
My show last Thursday in Moncton was awesome. I was greeted with open arms and lots of smiles. Moncton, you
rock!!! I hope to be posting photos from the show on this website very soon. The Reclusive Mute set went very
well also. Click here to see photos and to watch some new Reclusive Mute videos:
Reclusive Mute MySpace
There has all ready been some amazingly good response to my new discs. It feels great! :)
That's all for now. See you at the shows!!!
That's right, both of my new CDs "Damariscotta" and "Europe" are now available for pre-order. The
official release date is November 25th. You can pre-order either CD with the Paypal buttons on the "HOME" page of this
website. PLUS, you can also order both new CDs for the special limited time price of just $19 (postage included).
I have also posted all brand new songs on my MySpace page. Three are from the "Damariscotta" album:
"Futurepop", "Red and Blue", and "No Words Have I". Two songs are from "Europe": "Computer Control" and "Toujours
La Meme". Enjoy!
October 28th, 2008- I added a brand new song to my MySpace page. This
song is called “Futurepop”, and it is a preview track from my new album “Damariscotta”. If you like this song, you will probably love the rest of the new album as well. J It will be released the last week of November. Check it out:
Gary's MySpace page
October 18, 2008- Okay, so I did this remix....
I was thrilled to recently do a remix of a song by the legendary Johnny Cash. I gave his classic track "Cry Cry
Cry" the ol' remix treatment. You can hear (and download) my remix here:
Remix of "Cry Cry Cry"
Work is going very, very well on the two new albums. The synthpop one "Damariscotta" is shaping up to be one of
my best. I am super happy with the initial tracks. Both albums will be released next month!!! Stay tuned.
October 2nd, 2008- SHOW!!! That's right, after a lengthy hiatus from shows, I have decided to step back on stage. :) I
will be playing at the Paramount Lounge in Moncton on November 20th. The show will probably be starting around 10-ish, and
I think admission should be approximately $5. 19+. Also playing will be the excellent Moncton band Document No. 5, and Reclusive
Mute will also be making his live debut. ;) See you there! Here's the poster (click on image to see a larger version):
August 18th, 2008- Hello friends! Much has transpired in recent weeks, so I thought I better fill you in. :)
First of all, the big news is that I am now a married man! Our wedding was amazing, and we will carry that day with us
for the rest of our lives. I was so pleased to see so many friends and family in attendance. Many thanks to everyone for
your kind words! You can see a photo of myself with my wife Janelle in the "PHOTO GALLERY" page.
In musical news, work has been going very well on my new album "Damariscotta", which I hope to release in November.
The initial tracks sound very exciting, and I'm confident this will be a good one! :) Here is a little promo for the album:

Also, please keep in mind that I am actually releasing two (that's right, TWO!!!) albums on the same day. "Damariscotta"
will be Vince Clarke inspired analogue synthpop. The other album ("Europe") will be darker, lo-fi, minor sounding,
minimal synth art recorded on reel to reel. Two very different albums!
***Covers and Videos****
I recently completed some covers of some of my all-time favorite songs. I threw together some simple videos for these
covers and put them up on YouTube. Feel free to check them out!:
My cover of Depeche Mode's "Tora Tora Tora"
My cover of Gary Numan's "Are Friends Electric?"
My cover of Kraftwerk's "Computer Love"
Plans are underway for a split 7" between myself and the awesome Halifax band Electro Chiac Therapie. My side of the
7" will feature tracks by my alter ego Reclusive Mute. This promises to be a great collaboration! Stay tuned for further
details. And, please feel free to check out my Reclusive Mute songs (which you can download for free for a limited time):
Reclusive Mute!
Electro Chiac Therapie!
My song "North End Halifax 3 AM" will soon be appearing on a compilation being put out by the fabulous Montreal
indie label Brown Coffee. It will be released on October 12th, 2008. This track is previously unreleased! More info can
be found here:
Brown Coffee
I am also honoured to be involved with another fantastic compilation being put out by synthpop guru Bobby Clark from Tennessee.
He is currently assembling a fund raising CD to help the victims of the recent shooting at the Unitarian Universalist Church
in Knoxville. My track "Despite All Our Worries" will be appearing on this compilation. My best wishes go out
to the victims and the families who have suffered because of this tragedy.
My song "The Lonely Ghetto" will soon be played on a very cool podcast put together by two awesome young ladies
in The Phillipines. Their show is called "The Radioactive Pink Elephant", and I believe my song will be included
in episode 11, which should be posted very soon. Here's their website:
Radioactive Pink Elephant!!!
I was also recently approached by an artist based in France who is currently assembling an exhibit dedicated and inspired
by the Joe Meek song "Telstar", and space exploration in general. It appears that my rendition of "Telstar"
will be included in the exhibit. I also hear that this exhibit will be accessible online. I will keep you all posted as
this develops!
Looks like the retail giant Target is now selling my album "Rhapsody In Black". Pretty neat!!! :) Check it out:
Weed wackers, bed sheets, a new pair of shoes and Rhapsody In Black!
Speaking of "Rhapsody In Black", I have noticed that some online retailers are selling this CD for WILDLY inflated
prices. I saw one online business selling the disc for $40! Please....DO NOT pay that much for a copy of my CD! I still
have copies, and would be more than happy to sell one to you for the much more reasonable price of $10 (shipping included!).
Well, that's about it for now. Please keep an eye on my MySpace page. As soon as some of the tracks for the new album are
finished, I'll be posting some preview songs up on MySpace.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer!
PS There may be a couple of live shows this Fall. Stay tuned!!!! ;)
July 2nd, 2008- Hello! I hope all my fellow Canadians had a great Canada day yesterday! :) I was rather ill so mine was
very unspectacular.
Anyway, I thought I would bring you all up to speed with what's been going on lately in my musical world.
So far 2008 has been a quiet year in terms of new recordings, but all that is about to change. As I mentioned earlier,
I have recently begun work on two brand new albums, both of which I hope to release on the same day later this year. I am
very, very excited about this. If all goes as planned, these will be some of the strongest songs I've ever written and recorded.
I hope to post some preview tracks from the new album(s) on my MySpace page as soon as they are ready, so please stay tuned!
I've spoken to many people lately about the possibility of me doing shows again in the near future. I've had several
people ask if I will ever be performing live again. I would certainly never say never. But to be honest, I am enjoying the
break. For me, performing live was a thrill (at least initially) but after a while the stress and strain of it all really
got to me. Like Glenn Gregory once said "I find live work exciting for the hour or so you're on stage but the whole
circus that goes with it is one big pain up the bum". It's very possible that I may do a live show here and there before
the end of the year, and if I do decide to play some shows, you'll hear about it here first.
Reclusive Mute has charted!
Yes, that's right, my side project "Reclusive Mute" has hit the charts of CKDU radio in Halifax. Thanks CKDU!
It reached #20 for the week of June 13, 2008.
***Another cool review***.
"Rhapsody In Black" seems to be getting lots of notoriety in Russia. Go figure! I have always been fascinated
by this mystical land, so I am very honored to have listeners in this captivating country.
Here's a review, written in Russian, that appeared on the "Gaze Into A Gloom" website:
Gaze Into A Gloom Review
***Check out my cover of "Telstar"***
A while back I recorded a cover of the classic Joe Meek instrumental "Telstar". I am very happy with how my
cover turned out, in fact it may be the most satisfying cover I have ever recorded. I also put together a simple video for
the song, which you can see here:
Gary's Telstar Video
***Compilation Appearance****
It looks like I may soon be making a compilation appearance on a very cool electronic indie label based in Montreal.
This is still very much in the early planning phases. As soon as things are more solid, I will let you know more details.
And speaking of compilation appearances, I do have a couple of extra copies of the "Doppelhertz" compilation that
I appeared on last year. I am willing to sell these to anyone who is interested. If you are, just let me know. This is
an excellent two record vinyl set that was put out by the Kernkrach label in Germany last year. It features minimal/lo-fi
electronic music from all over the world. E-mail me if you would like to purchase a copy: muzikman84@hotmail.com
So, that's about all the news I have for now. :) There are a ton of collaborations currently in the works, as well as many
new recordings on the horizon. Once again, I have to utter those two immortal words: STAY TUNED. :)
Hope you all have a great summer!
May 2nd, 2008- Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Things have been kind of quiet on this website in recent months,
so I thought I should bring you all up to speed. Overall, I haven't been creating as much new music as I would like to, since
my work schedule has increased dramatically over the past couple of months. But I hope that will change soon.
If you haven't all ready checked out my side project Reclusive Mute, please do so. I am currently running a little trivia
contest. The first three people who send me the correct answer will win a free copy of the Reclusive Mute CD. Here's the
What was the name of the Jesus and Mary Chain's debut album? E-mail your response to muzikman84@hotmail.com
Please feel free to check out my Reclusive Mute tracks here:
Reclusive Mute MySpace
I would also like to say a sincere thank you to the Baron Ash Von Foolishness for putting the Reclusive Mute album on his
list of the Top Ten Albums of 2007. You can hear the Baron's show here:
Also, huge props to Hugues in Belgium for recently playing two of my songs off of "Rhapsody In Black" on his radio
show. Merci!
Also, on the subject of "Rhapsody In Black", it recently received yet another positive review, this time from Matthew
at the Grave Concerns website. Check it out:
Grave Concerns
Huge thanks as well to James, for also having some nice things to say about "Rhapsody In Black" in his zine "In
Between Zine" issue 3.
There are a TON of things coming up on the horizon. The latter part of this year will see many new recordings that I'm hoping
you will enjoy. I plan on releasing two (that's right, 2!) albums on the same day, probably sometime around October or November.
One will be a lo-fi, dark, minimal album of spooky electronics recorded on an old reel to reel machine. The other will be
a happy, catchy, totally analogue synthpop disc, heavily inspired by Depeche Mode's "Speak and Spell". Stay tuned!!!
Also, many, many collaborations are currently in the works, including songs with The Offering, Francois Marceau, Marc
Davies, Mandy Savoy, and countless others.
I am also super stoked because of the new ABC album "Traffic". My copy arrived in the mail yesterday. I am so
anxious to check it out. 11 years is a long time to wait for a new album! :)
To hear clips from the album, click on the picture below of Martin Fry:

Anyway, I hope you are all happy and healthy and life is treating you well. Keep checking back to this page for further updates!
Take care,
March 7, 2008- Hello everyone! Just wanted to say hi and keep you all up to date. :) Things have been going well. I have
been keeping myself very busy, as usual.
Many, many thanks to everyone who came out to Jay's birthday party last Friday. A great time was had by all! It was
so much fun to see so many familiar faces again. I only perform live a couple of times a year now, so when I do get out there
and play, it's so nice to run into old friends again. An audio recording was made of this show, and if all goes according
to plan, all or some of this recording will be released sometime in the future. I have toyed with the idea of doing a live/remix/rarities/demo
CD for quite some time, but now I am thinking of doing an entire CD with nothing but live tracks. I have played shows all
over eastern Canada, and I have numerous recordings of several of these shows, and I'm sure a live CD would be lots of fun.
I'll keep you posted on this.
Also, plans are still underway for a Gary Flanagan DVD. Hopefully, if all goes well, that will be out either late this
year or early next year.
PLUS....keep your eyes peeled for a brand new GF album, hopefully being released late this year. It will be a return
to my early, minimal synthpop roots. I want to do something very Euro, simple and catchy....heavily inspired by Depeche Mode's
"Speak and Spell". It will be special!!!
Promotions are also still underway for the Reclusive Mute CD. It seems the album has all ready garnered some loyal fans,
and I couldn't be happier!
Also, keep an eye on my MySpace page. I hope to change the songs every month or so. I have loads of unheard original
tracks I would love to post, plus some never before released covers that I've done.
Gary's MySpace page
Take care!!!
February 3, 2008- Greetings! I have lots to tell you about. There's been lots of exciting things going on.
First of all, "Rhapsody In Black" recently received a very positive review, in fact this may be one of the best
reviews I've ever received. It was written by Gianfranco at the Darklife webzine. Here is a sampling of the review:
"Mr. Flanagan's love story with the synth sees a new and improved chapter in his fifth offering, Rhapsody in Black,
where he refines his songwriting abilities, adding more than a touch of class to his ongoing flirting with the eighties sonorities
and moods. His typical synth-pop approach is tweaked into a brand of melancholic electro-pop rich in introspective lyricism
and with a nod or two to the gothic sensibility...."
To read the entire review, go to the following link and scroll down about one third of the way down the page:
Darklife Webzine Reviews
And speaking of "Rhapsody In Black", it is ALL OVER the internet. :) There are countless places where you can
download the entire album. Here are a few places where you can get it:
CD Connection
My Blue Pie Music
iMusic Denmark
Yahoo Japan
I recently posted a bunch of new songs on my MySpace page. Feel free to check them out! Included are a bunch of covers that
I recently completed (I love doing covers!)....among these are covers of Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight", "Messages"
by OMD and "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division.
Gary's MySpace page
I also wanted to mention that promotions for my new album "Reclusive Mute" have been going well. Reaction to it
has been enormously positive. You can hear some of these songs and order the CD at the Reclusive Mute MySpace page:
Reclusive Mute MySpace
That's all for now. I hope you are all doing well. I would love to hear from you, so if you would ever like to drop me a
line, feel free! :)
Take care!
December 28th, 2007- MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season! Best wishes
to you and your family. I hope 2008 brings you all happiness and success.
I just had a few things I wanted to mention. As always, there's been lots going on in my magical musical world! :)
First of all, I have big news for fans of my old releases. My good friend C.S. Graves recently decided to post the entire
"Dressed In Black" album online. Now you can hear every track from this CD! For years this album was hard to find,
but now you can hear all the tracks any time you want. C.S. released this album on his Eleven Wave label back in 2000, and
it received much praise from campus radio and folks who appreciated my "darker" sound. You can listen to the songs
Dressed In Black!
Lately I've been working a lot with a singer by the name of Mandy Savoy. She is originally from Saint John but currently
calls Halifax home. Her voice is a wonderfully powerful instrument, and I predict big things in her future. I recently did
a remix of her song "Wrong", and you can hear a clip of it on her MySpace page. I am also currently composing an
original song just for her. Stay tuned for further details.
Mandy Savoy's MySpace page
VIDEO FOR SUMMERTIME! Yes, that's right, now you can see the video for my classic song "Summertime" on YouTube.
This video was originally included on the now infamous "Living on Video" DVD compilation. I'm not sure who posted
this video on YouTube, but I bid you a big "thanks!". :)
Check it out:
Video for "Summertime"
There are now TONS of places on the net where you can download my music. I would especially like to extend an invitation
to my European friends....my music is now available on Napster in both the UK and Germany. Here are the respective sites:
Napster Germany (Danke!)
Napster UK
There are many big and wonderful things on the horizon. 2008 is going to be a very exciting year. Plans are all ready underway
for a brand new album (the new album will see Gary returning to his analogue synth-pop roots....very minimal and very catchy!).
Plus, there are also plans for a GF DVD featuring a variety of fun footage.
Take care and Happy New Year!
November 26th, 2007- SHOW!!!!
Hi! This Friday night (November 30th) will be the big night for the IWK fund raiser show. It will be at the Quispamsis
Civic Centre. All proceeds will go to support the IWK, so please come out and support a great cause and enjoy some awesome
Here's the lineup:
7pm Hospital Grade
8pm- The Coveralls
9pm- The Poe- Threads
10pm- Clinton Charleton
11pm- Karen Palmer
11:30pm Chris Daigle
12am- Gary Flanagan
Hope to see you there! This will be my first show in almost a year, so I am pumped. ;) I will also be selling copies of
my new CD at this show.
Please note that the show that was scheduled for November 17th in Riverview has been canceled. Sorry! The venue will
soon be closing their doors forever.
If any other Moncton shows are scheduled any time in the future, you will hear about them here first.
November 10th, 2007- Hello! Things have been very busy around here. :) It seems like there has been SO much going on.
But I'm not complaining. Tis good to be busy!
First of all, the big news is that I will be playing some shows very soon! These shows mark my return from almost a year-long
retirement. I feel energized and ready to hit the stage again! :) Both shows promise to be a great deal of fun, so please
come out and enjoy yourself. I will also be selling copies of my new "Reclusive Mute" CD at both shows, so here's
your chance to pick it up!
Here are details on the shows:
November 17th, Riverview, NB (just outside of Moncton). This show is at O'Brien's Pub and will start around 10 PM. Admission
is $4. Also playing are the great acts Paranerd and How I Learned To Love The Bomb. This will also be a momentous occasion,
since it will be the first time ever that I will perform any of the Reclusive Mute songs live, and I will also be backed by
a live band for these songs (this will be the first time I've ever played live with a band backing me up). So don't miss
it! Here's the poster for the show:

The other show I'll be playing will be on November 30th. This will be at the Quispamsis Civic Centre in Quispamsis, NB (about
15 minutes outside of Saint John). I still don't have all the details on this show, but as far as I know there will be an
all ages show earlier in the evening and a show for adults later that night. I'll be playing at the later show. Again, I
still don't have all the details....I don't know what admission is, nor do I know who the other acts will be, but I do know
that it will be a fund raiser for the IWK. So please come out and support a great cause and enjoy some great music!!!
Reaction to the Reclusive Mute CD has been incredibly positive. Thanks to everyone for their support. The album has
been selling very briskly. You can order a copy from the Reclusive Mute MySpace page:
Reclusive Mute MySpace
That's about it for now. Lately I have been incredibly busy with countless collaborations, remixes, and numerous musical
projects. I will keep you all updated on these things as they develop.
Until then, take care, and I hope to see you at the shows!
October 16th, 2007- Hey! How are ya? There's been a ton of cool stuff going on recently. I'll try to bring you up to speed....
Yes, my new album is just about ready to be unleashed on the world. This CD will be released under my side project name
"Reclusive Mute". Reaction to preview tracks that I have posted on the internet has been amazingly good, so if
you haven't checked out the tunes yet, have a listen! You can hear a few of the songs on the Reclusive Mute MySpace page.
Please note that I am also taking pre-orders for the CD, and you can use the Paypal button on the MySpace page to pre-order
the CD:
Reclusive Mute MySpace page!
There are now a bunch of Gary Flanagan videos on YouTube! Check out the insanity!
A Gary Flanagan documentary, hosted by....a robot?!?!
Gary on Breakfast Television
Gary on Focus NB. 2003.
The Kernkrach compilation has been released! The great German label Kernkrach has released a two record compilation featuring
minimal/electronic/lo-fi artists from around the globe. It is entitled "Doppelhertz". I am very happy to have
one of my songs on this compilation. You can order this 2 record set from Kernkrach. There is also a web page where you
can read bios of each of the artists on the compilation!:
Doppelhertz artists
Order the compilation here
REMIXES! I have posted many new remixes on the Gary Flanagan Remix page. Included amongst the new additions are two previously
unheard remixes from 2004. One is by techno whiz kid Alexandre, and the other is by electronic music maestro Andrew Duke.
I have also posted some previously unreleased remixes of tracks from "Rhapsody In Black". Enjoy!:
Gary Flanagan Remix Page
And speaking of remixes, I am super excited because one of my musical idols has recently expressed an interest in remixing
one of my songs!!! :) More will be revealed with time, but right now, I'd like to keep it a surprise. Let's just say that
this guy was one of the founding members of a band that had an enormous influence on me!
That's all for now! Stay tuned and stay cool!
August 31st, 2007- Hello folks! It's been way too long since I updated this page. Needless to say, there's been lots going
on with my music. I'll try to bring you all up to date. :) Here goes:
Work on my punk album has been completed! Well, it still has to be mixed, and the album cover artwork must be completed,
but other than that it is pretty much done. Reclusive Mute will soon be unleashed onto the world! I am ecstatic with how
this has turned out, and I think you'll like it too. It consists of 12 very rough around the edges, raw, tongue in cheek
punk-pop anthems. A website for this side project is currently being constructed, and you can also expect a MySpace page
very soon. The official release date as of right now is October 31st, 2007. I also hope to soon start taking pre-orders,
so keep checking back here for further developments.
New songs on MySpace! Yes, you can hear some new tracks that I recently recorded. Included is my cover of the classic 60s
instrumental "Telstar". I'm quite happy with this one. Also, you can hear my cover of Sparks' "Angst In My
Pants". Plus, I have posted a track that I recently recorded with my friend Mark Sheppard called "Running Through
the Ether". This one is from a collaborative album that we are working on. He did the vocals and the lyrics, I did
the music. Check it out!
Gary's MySpace Page!
Gary on Vinyl?!?! Yes, the day has finally arrived. The sound of Gary Flanagan captured on wax! One of my songs is appearing
on a double record compilation being released by the very cool Kernkrach label in Germany. I am super excited to be sharing
space on this compilation with some very brave minimal/lo-fi synth artists from all over Europe and the US. It appears I
am the only Canadian on the compilation. The album is scheduled to be released in September. Check out Kernkrach's website:
Modern synthpop~~~~~~Synthetic FM!
I am very proud and pleased to be appearing on the debut album from Synthetic FM (also known as Bobby Clark). This album,
entitled "E=Mc2" has been five years in the making, and is well worth the wait. It is being released by Ninthwave.
Bobby has put together an excellent album of 80s influenced synthpop with a modern shine. The album features collaborations
with many synthpop acts from the modern scene, and I am also pleased to be appearing in this effort. We worked together on
a song called "The Sands of Time", which appears on the album. Bobby did the music, I did the lyrics and the vocals.
Download this great album today! A CD will be released soon.
Synthetic FM- "E=Mc2"
Yes, the rumours are true. I have officially decided to shake off the cobwebs and start playing live again. Mind you,
I plan on easing back into it very gradually. At this time, I only plan to do an occasional show, perhaps 2-3 a year. It
looks like I may be playing at a fund raising show this November out in Quispamsis. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but if
things go as planned, this will be a very special show for a great cause. Stay tuned....as soon as things are confirmed,
you'll hear about it here! Other shows are also in the works!
RING TONES?!?! Huh?!?!
Yes, believe it or not, you can now get Gary Flanagan ring tones! I know, I still find it hard to believe. :) Download
your ring tones here:
Gary Flanagan Ring Tones!
You can also check out my page at Audio Lunchbox, where my songs can be downloaded:
Gary at Audio Lunchbox
Finally, be sure to check out my new page at Reverb Nation. You can also connect to my Reverb Nation profile through my Facebook
Gary at Reverb Nation
That's it for now! Until next time, take care!
June 19, 2007- Hey! So much has been going on lately....lots of exciting things to tell you about. I don't know where to
start! I'll try to cover everything!:
I have been speaking with Dave Richards at the Ninthwave label, and he tells me he is interested in re-issuing my first
two albums! Yep, it seems that "Anthems for the Young At Heart" and "Another Coin in the Daydream Machine"
will be dusted off and released on the ever-popular iTunes! I'll have more info on this as things develop.
Ninthwave Records
My latest CD "Rhapsody In Black" has been getting lots of play on great radio stations all over the place! Here
are a few stations who have recently played it:
Malice Radio
The Ungodly Hour
Lestat's 120 Minutes of Goth Music
"Rhapsody" is still charting! Hard to believe, but "Rhapsody In Black" is still alive and kicking on
the radio charts. It appeared on the charts for CFMH radio in Saint John for the week of May 22, 2007. Thank you, CFMH!
I have also been speaking with my buddy David Crosby, who runs his own micro label called Lonesome Cosmonaut. I was going
to scrap my idea for the long-awaited rarities/demos/live track CD. But David convinced me otherwise. He offered to release
this disc on his label, and we're hoping to get it out sometime next year. It will feature loads of rarities and odd stuff
from the Gary Flanagan archives! :) Stay tuned.
***REMIXES!!!!*** Over the past few years, a number of greatly talented artists have done remixes of my songs. For the most
part, only a handful of people have heard these remixes. Until now. I recently started a page dedicated exclusively to GF
remixes. Check them out! More remixes will be posted in the coming weeks:
Gary Flanagan Remix Page!
I would like to say a huge, sincere thank you to Glenn in Sweden. He took the time to set up a Gary Flanagan page on LastFM.com.
Thanks Glenn! Have a look:
Gary at Last FM
***THEATRICAL RUMBLINGS*** Yes, it seems my music will be used once again in a play being directed by my very talented friend
Corey Nowlan. His play "Better Off Dead" will be produced as part of an underground theatre festival that is being
held in Fredericton during July 5th until July 7th. It all happens at the Black Box Theatre at St. Thomas University! The
music I composed was originally intended for his play "Peas Carrots Pessimism", but since that play won't be happening,
Corey opted to use the music in "Better Off Dead". This promises to be a very exciting festival! Check it out.
"Rhapsody In Black" is now even EASIER to download! It has recently been made available for download from a variety
of online stores, and you can find links to these stores on my MySpace page!
OI! Work on my punk album is coming along very nicely. In fact, it's about 2/3 done. I am ecstatic with how things have
turned out so far, and the initial mixes sound great! I'm hoping to get this out before the end of the year, so stay tuned.
It's going to be a very memorable outing for me! I hope to have a website and MySpace page up soon for this project. It's
being released under the name Reclusive Mute.
AND FINALLY, be sure to check out my MySpace page, as I have recently posted a cover that I did of the classic Iggy Pop song
"Bang Bang". Hope you enjoy it!
Gary's MySpace
May 25th, 2007- Holy smokes the time has been flying by! :) Seems I have been so super busy lately. I've been getting
lots done on numerous musical projects. Work on the punk album is coming along nicely. Check out the links I just posted
to some great reviews on the "REVIEWS" page.
HEY! Do you want a free CD of Gary Flanagan music? Sure you do! :) I am giving away some promo CDRs that I burnt about
a year ago. These are promo samplers that feature four songs from "Rhapsody In Black". All you have to do is e-mail
me, tell me your address, and a sampler will be in the mail to you ASAP. It's that simple! So if you want one, get in touch
with me soon and I'll get one to you. I don't have many left, so the sooner the better. muzikman84@hotmail.com.
May 8, 2007- Please note the free CD giveaway contest IS NOW CLOSED. Don't bother looking for Hasselhoff...he has been found.
:) Thanks to everyone for playing.
April 25th, 2007- Did a major renovation to my MySpace page today. Check it out! The cool factor has been brought up a
few notches.
Gary's MySpace Page
April 16th, 2007: Hi! Things have been going well. I will soon be graduating from university, so I am very excited about
that! Just a couple more exams to go.
"Rhapsody In Black" is still charting!!! Hard to believe, but after almost a year of its debut, "Rhapsody
In Black" is still kickin' it on the charts. For the week of April 3rd, it stood at number 11 on the charts for CFMH
radio in Saint John, NB.
My music is now being featured on the Pulserated website, based in the UK. This is an influential satellite radio station
that plays independent music from around the world. You can check out the page they put up about me here:
Pulserated Gary Flanagan page
My friend Francois and I recently received a review for our collaborative CD "Two Solitudes Standing". This brave,
unique CD is still for sale in the "SHOP" page of this website. Here's the review:
A Review of "Two Solitudes Standing"
As I mentioned before, I will soon be doing lots of renovating to my MySpace page. This is taking longer than I thought,
but it will be worth the wait. Plus, details about a brand new contest will soon be revealed. You can win Gary Flanagan
CDs and lots of other cool prizes! Stay tuned. Also, if you would like to be added to my mailing list so you can keep up
to date on all the latest developments, feel free to get in touch with me and I'll add you to the list: muzikman84@hotmail.com
Lots of really exciting stuff is on the horizon. This is going to be a big year. ;) Stay tuned.
March 25,2007- Just a few neat updates to pass along to you.....
ANOTHER COMPILATION APPEARANCE- Yes, my song "This Is My Robot" will be appearing on the "Stop Atlantica"
fundraiser CD that is being used to raise funds for the worthy actions of those opposed to the Atlantica travesty. For more
info, check out http://v-a-c.org/circlecircledotdot/ and www.stopatlantica.org
Keep a close eye on my MySpace page. I will soon be doing major updates. I plan to post four all new songs (all of which
have never before been heard), along with new photos, review clippings, and eventually some video footage.
Gary's MySpace page!
A GREAT REVIEW!!! Yes, my latest disc "Rhapsody In Black" recently got a great review on The Spill website. Have
a look:
The Spill Review
***STICKERS SOLD OUT*** Yes, I'm sad to report that the stickers pictured in the "SHOP" section of this website
have all been sold. If and when more stickers are made in the future, you'll hear about it here first.
***UPCOMING CONTEST!!! GIVEAWAYS!!!!**** Keep a very close eye on this website and on your inboxes. I will soon be sending
out details on how you could win your very own, autographed copy of "Rhapsody In Black". I won't give away too
many details right now, but if you like looking for easter eggs on DVDs, you'll love this contest. :) STAY TUNED!
February 28th, 2007- I'm really excited because one of my songs off of "Rhapsody In Black" is going to be played
on the air on a radio station in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It all happens this Saturday evening, March 3rd. The show begins
at 11 PM Atlantic time (10 PM Eastern) and runs until 2 AM. The show is called "Sin Sentido", and it is hosted
by DJ Gabriel. He plays alot of dark electronic coolness. You can listen to the show at the following link:
Click on "Escucha", over on the right hand side of the page
February 20, 2007- Hello! How are ya? Lots and lots of cool stuff to tell you all about. There's been alot going on. :)
Check out an excellent review that was recently written about "Rhapsody In Black" on the Chain DLK website, based in Italy.
4 out of 5 stars!!!
And speaking of reviews, my buddy Francois and I just got a very decent review for our collaborative CD "Two Solitudes
Standing". By the way, this CD is still up for sale in the "SHOP" section of this website. Here's the review:
G&F - Two Solitudes Standing
G is for Gary Flanagan, a solo artist and editor of Night Waves zine. F is for Francois Marceau of Leper Collective, Flesh
for Frank and various other music projects as well as the former editor of Mastock zine. The disc is six tracks of electronic
noise and distorted sound clips. Lots of interesting sounds permeate this disc, and they range from soothing to eerie to freakish
or moving. The liner notes describe the music best, "various mangled, deeply processed insect sounds, noises, ambient,
minimal samples." Also, "found sound, audio samples, voice, loops, noise, effects, guitar, [and] processed sound."
It's very unique stuff, and is surely the product of countless hours of work. It's definitely worth a listen. If you'd like
to order a copy, you can send $7 to:
Francois Marceau
7375 Louis-Hebert
Montreal, Quebec
H2E 2X5
CHART ACTION!!!! "Rhapsody In Black" has charted on numerous campus radio charts recently. During the week of
February 6th, it reached #17 on the charts of CFMH in Saint John, NB. That same week, it also stood at #30 on the charts
of CHMA in Sackville, NB. Then, the following week it shot to #9 on the CFMH chart! Booyah!
I was recently very fortunate to be involved with a theatrical production that blew me away. Earlier this month a production
of the classic play "Doctor Faustus" was staged at Saint Thomas University in Fredericton, NB. It was directed
by my friend Nicholas, and also featured my good buddy Corey in the cast. It was incredibly well directed, and probably one
of the most enjoyable nights of theatre I've ever experienced. The original score was composed and produced by yours truly.
I've had many people ask me if they could hear the score, and I am thinking about posting it up on the net somewhere so that
people can hear it. If and when it is posted, you'll hear about here first.
GARY GOES PUNK???? Yes, you heard it here first. I have recently begun work on a punk album. This is something I've been
wanting to do for quite some time. There will be no synths whatsoever, just electric guitar and sloppy beats played by me.
:) I'm not sure when this will be ready, but hopefully sometime before the end of this year. It will be released under
the stage name Reclusive Mute.
DOCUMENTARY ACTION! A documentary film is currently being produced about me. It will give insights into my stage persona,
and it will also give a rare glance into my home studio. And it will be hosted by a real robot. :) A short, 6 minute version
of the documentary will be posted online as soon as the film is finished, yet there will also be a longer, 25 minute version
that will be released later in the year. Stay tuned for more details!
COMPILATION APPEARANCE: My song "I Still Believe In You" will soon be appearing on a compilation CD which is being
released by Sappy Records. This will be a fund raiser CD for CHMA, campus radio in Sackville, NB. It will be sold at various
CHMA related shows and will be distributed to radio stations across Canada. Show your support for this great station and
get a copy!
RHAPSODY IN BLACK ALMOST SOLD OUT?!?!?! Yes, this is true. My most recent CD is almost sold out. I am so pleased that this
CD was probably my best selling disc ever. Thanks to everyone who purchased a copy. There are only a small number of copies
left, so if you want one, I would strongly advise you order it soon. No further copies will be pressed. It is still available
for the low low price of $10 (shipping included). It can be ordered through Paypal in the "SHOP" page of this website,
or through the PayPal button on my MySpace page. It can also be ordered through cdbaby.com, or it can be downloaded from
iTunes. OR, you can order it directly from me through snail mail. Thanks!
January 7, 2007- Hello folks! Happy New Year! I hope 2007 treats you all very well. I have a feeling it's going to be
a fantastic year! :)
My "farewell gig" on December 22nd went amazingly well. You can see pictures from this gig on the "Photos"
page. Many people have asked me if I have decided to never play live again. Certainly not. I just need a break right now.
Physically and mentally, I am just not able to play live shows at the moment, but hopefully someday when I am feeling better,
I'll be hitting the stage again. If and when I do, you'll hear about it here first!
I have all kinds of interesting links to tell you about. Here goes:
"Rhapsody In Black" hits the charts again! It charted on CHMA, campus radio for Mount Alison University in Sackville.
I recently started a MySpace page dedicated to my very earliest recordings. This is stuff that I recorded when I was 17-19
years old. Much of it is very primitive and funny! :) Click here to check it out.
A nice little tribute by my good friend Patrick
A review of "Rhapsody In Black" from the MOTE website
Hope you all have a great new year! Remember too that "Rhapsody In Black" is still available through PayPal (still
for the low, low price of $10, postage included!). Supplies are quickly running out, and once the initial run is gone it
is very doubtful that more will be pressed. Order today!
November 29, 2006- Hello! Lots of cool stuff to tell you about.
First of all, I really hope to see you all at the show in Moncton this Friday night (December 1st). It's a fund raiser
for the SPCA, so please come out and see some great bands AND support a great cause. It starts around 10 PM and it will be
at the Manhattan. Also playing will be Tempting Tragedy, Krista D, Siamese, Dead For Days, and How I Learned To Love The
***New item added to SHOP section. Yes, I recently added a new CDR to the SHOP section. It is a collaborative CD that
I did with my good friend Francois in Montreal. We decided to do an experimental/noise collaboration, and I'm really happy
with how it turned out. We call ourselves G&F, and the disc is called "Two Solitudes Standing". Order now!
For a very brief time, I'm letting everyone hear a never-before-released Gary Flanagan song. :)
The song is called "One Painted Memory" and it was recorded last summer during the sessions for "Rhapsody
In Black". This is one of those songs that you hear once and it's stuck in your head all day. I was always really happy
with this song, but I felt it didn't really fit in with the rest of the songs on "Rhapsody" so it didn't make the
final cut. That's my sweetheart Janelle giving us her excellent vocal stylings on the chorus.
This song is my heartfelt tribute to Trevor Horn, a producer who has literally changed my life with his sound. I will
not deny the fact that this song is a no-holds-barred emulation of his sound, circa 1981. Many thanks to Mr. Horn for everything.
Here are a list of campus radio stations that now (or will soon) have a copy of my latest disc "Rhapsody In Black".
If you live in any of the following cities, please call these stations and request my music! You would have my eternal gratitude.
CKDU (Halifax)
CKUT-McGill (Montreal)
CIUT (Toronto)
CKUW-University of Winnipeg
CITR-UBC (Vancouver)
CHSR (Fredericton)
CFMH (Saint John)
CJSR (Edmonton)
CHYZ (Laval)
CKLN (Toronto)
CJSW (Calgary)
CJSF (Burnaby, BC)
CKDJ (Ottawa)
Saskatoon Community Radio
CFMU-McMaster (Hamilton, Ontario)
CJLO (Montreal)
CKCU (Ottawa)
CHRY (Toronto)
CFUV (Victoria, BC)
CHMA (Sackville, NB)
CHRW (London, Ontario)
CFBU (St Catherine's, Ontario)
WNYU (New York)
University of Minnesota
UCLA (Los Angeles)
WHPK (Chicago)
KVRX (Austin)
WMBR (Boston)
KTRU (Houston)
SURE Radio (Sheffield, UK)
Cambridge University Radio (Cambridge, UK)
90.7 SYN (Melbourne, Australia)
Radio Campus Paris (Paris, France)
More stations to be added soon!!!!
****SAINT JOHN SHOW!!!!!****
I'll be playing a Saint John show on December 22 at Elwoods. Lots of other great bands playing too....I'll post more
details as they become available to me. This is a Christmas party and it's FREE!!! 10 PM, 19+
November 2, 2006- Lots of information to pass along to you guys! :) It's a long list, so here goes:
There is another online store where you can download my new album (either the whole album or individual tracks). Here's
the link:
MP3 Extension
*SHOW* - I have a very special show coming up soon in Moncton. Hope to see you all there! This is a fundraiser for the SPCA.
It will be held at the Manhattan Tavern on December 1st. Show starts around 10 PM. Also playing will be Dead for Days,
Siamese, Tempting Tragedy and How I learned to love the Bomb. Come support this great cause!
Also, I would like to extend a very warm thank you to all the nice folks who recently came up to me at my recent shows
and said hello. Your support means the world to me! :)
***VERY COOL PROMOTION***- Okay, you've heard the rumours, and they are true. :) For a very limited time, if you buy
a copy of "Rhapsody In Black", I will record a personalized message and send it to you as an MP3 file. Just think
about it! A personalized "happy birthday" greeting for your mom from Gary Flanagan! A promotional voiceover for
your event from Gary Flanagan! Wishes of love from you to your loved one....by Gary Flanagan! You get the picture. Basically,
just order the CD (through the Paypal links on my MySpace page or in the "shop" section of this website, or send
me cash/money order through the mail) write the message down that you want me to say and I'll do it. It will even have backing
music and be professionally produced! :) Please, one paragraph maximum. And please don't ask me to say anything hurtful,
hateful, misogynistic, racist, anti-semetic or just plain stupid. E-mail me your message: muzikman84@hotmail.com
*I will soon be posting a huge list of campus radio stations in Canada, the US and in Europe who now have a copy of Rhapsody
in Black. I'll be posting the list here and on my MySpace page. If you live close to any of these stations, please call
them and request one of my songs! Thanks!
*Plans are underway for a very special Gary Flanagan documentary film. This documentary will be an in-depth view into
the mind and background of everyone's favorite mad scientist. It will include exclusive interviews with gary, plus never
before seen photos and concert footage, as well as a behind the scenes look at Gary's studio and his shows. Stay tuned!
*Chart action!* Rhapsody in Black recently made the charts of CKDU in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Thank you CKDU! Check it
CKDU Charts for October 10th, 2006
*ANOTHER WAY TO ORDER MY NEW CD: If you live in Canada, you can order the CD from me through an e-mail money transfer. Basically,
you just transfer payment from your bank account to mine. It's very simple and convenient, and very safe. I've made many
of these transactions in the past and it works very well. But again, this will only work if you live in Canada and have a
Canadian bank account. Contact me if you would like to do this. muzikman84@hotmail.com
October 17, 2006- *SHOW* I will be doing a last minute show this Thursday night (October 19th) in Halifax. I will be playing
at the Attic on Grafton Street. The show will be starting around midnight. Also playing will be the awesome one-man New
Wave orchestra known as A/V. Hope to see you there!
October 6th, 2006- A couple of exciting pieces of news to pass along:
-"Rhapsody in Black" is now available for download off of iTunes! You can download any individual song for
a small fee, or you can download the entire album for just $9.99! Enjoy!
-There is now a sweet deal available at CD Baby. If you buy more than one copy of "Rhapsody In Black", you
will get a nice discount of 40%! Check it out:
SHOWS: I have a few shows lined up over the next while. The first one coming up will be at Le Fauxbourg in Saint John (on
Prince William Street, I believe...in the new ARCF building). This is happening Friday, October 20th. Other acts playing
include Genvieve et Mathieu and Women With Kitchen Utensils. I think the show will be getting started rather early, probably
around 9 PM, so please drop by!
October 1st, 2006- Had a fantastic time at Jay's the other night. Many thanks to all the kind
folks I met. You are all wonderful. :) Pictures will be posted soon.
September 23, 2006- I recently completed work on a couple of remixes for the great band Feedback Scars. You
can hear my remixes on their MySpace page:
I have also finally completed the Nightwaves website. Check it out! It features an exclusive interview with
Martyn Ware (Human League/Heaven 17)
August 28, 2006- My new album "Rhapsody In Black" continues to sell at a brisk pace. I have been keeping myself
very busy promoting it. Because there's been such a great response to the CD, I've decided to extend the low $10 price.
Remember, that includes shipping and handling, even if you live overseas! You can't beat this deal! :)
I have also been keeping myself very busy doing remix work. I plan to put a "remix" page on this website very soon,
which may even feature snippets of some of my remix work. If you are an artist or are in a band and would like me to
try remixing one of your tracks, feel free to get in touch with me and I'll see what I can do.
Plans are also underway to shoot a video for one of the new songs from "Rhapsody in Black". I'll keep you posted
as this developes.
I have also been very busy recently putting the finishing touches on the Nightwaves website. This has been a long
time coming! Rest assured it will be very true to the original feel of the print zine, and it will be very much a site
by the fans, for the fans. Stay tuned!
Matt from the CBC dropped by my place last week and we chatted about my music, my shows and my new disc. This interview
will be part of a feature the CBC is doing on me. Hopefully I'll be able to post it for all to hear once it gets
into my hands.
And last but not least, I've posted a fun little blog on my MySpace. The blog mentions all the artists that people
have compared my new songs too. I think I'm in really good company! :)
The CD will soon be available at several
music stores throughout the Maritimes. Right now it is available at all Sunrise Records locations in the Toronto area.
United Kingdom:
CD City- Notts, England
Sounds of the Universe- London
Circle- London
The Beat Squeeze- Paris
Gilbert Joseph- Paris
de Biens Audio-Visuels- Lille
Megaphon- Berlin
Planet- Haugesund
Walboomers- Amsterdam
Rockhouse Records- Holland
Border Music- Goteborg
Maine: All Bull Moose stores across
the state.
CD Spins- Boston
Stereo Jack's- Cambridge
Spinnaker's (all
locations across MA)
Dynamite Records- Northampton
B Side Records- Northampton
New York:
Music Gallery (NYC)
Rebel Rebel (NYC)
Record Runner (NYC)
Entertainment Outlet (NYC)
Factory (The Bronx)
CD Warehouse- Orlando
Rock N Roll Heaven- Orlando
City- Tampa
Vinyl Fever- Tampa
Delicious Records (LA)
Music City (LA)
Music Plaza (LA)
King of Music (LA)
Vinyl Fetish (LA)
Pepperland Records- Orange
Music- Santa Barbara
Rasputin's- Vallejo
Moses Music- Oakland
Rasputin's- Berkeley
Music- Berkeley
Discount Records- Santa Cruz
Hit Factory- Modesto
The Works- Eureka
Zone - Santa Monica
Chromolume- Santa Monica
Benway Music- Santa Monica
Pennylane Music (all outlets
in Pasadena)
Poo Bah- Pasadena
Off The Record- San Diego
Music World Plus- San Diego
De Musica- Anaheim
Music Revolution- Anaheim
Electric Chair- Huntington Beach
The Beat- Sacramento
Java Jukebox- Sacramento
Esoteric Records- Sacramento
Channelz- Sacramento
Vault- Sacramento
Rasputin's San Francisco
Dandelion San Francisco
Out Cast Communications San Francisco
Records San Francisco
Creative Music Emporium San Francisco
Medium Rare Records San Francisco
CD Record
Rack Co. San Francisco
Street Light San Francisco
Distractions San Francisco
Amoeba Music San Francisco
Green Apple Books San Francisco
Records Shop San Francisco
Bayview Music San Francisco
Hyde Park Records- Chicago
Dr. Wax- Chicago
Record Emporium- Chicago
Borderline Music- Chicago
Mole's Records- Cincinnati
CD Game Exchange- Cincinnati
Timmay's- Cincinnati
Shake It Records- Cincinnati
CD Game Exchange- Akron
2 Live Music- Akron
J+J Music and Video-
Ernest Tubb- Nashville
Davis-Kidd Booksellers- Nashville
Boss Ugly
Bob's Record Centre- Memphis
Davis-Kidd Booksellers- Memphis
Playback- Seattle
Gruv, Inc.- Seattle
Sonic Boom- Seattle
Easy Street- Seattle
Source, CD World, Mr. Blues, Triple Platinum, Sound City, CD Warehouse
Service, Soundwaves, Rockpile, DJ Connection, Music Depot
SAN ANTONIO: Hogwild, CD Trader, Rockbox, CD Exchange, Record
AUSTIN: Antone's, Music Mania, Waterloo Records
LUBBOCK: Ralph's Records
August 10, 2006- My new CD is now available through CD Baby. Just click on the link above.
August 2, 2006- Response to the new CD continues to be overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to everyone who has passed along
their kind words.
Many people have told me that they would like to order the CD but they do not have a PayPal account. You do not need
a PayPal account to use PayPal, just a credit card. Also, I would be more than happy to make arrangements with you through
regular mail, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you would prefer to go this route.
August 2, 2006- I have been keeping myself very busy lately with numerous remix projects for a variety of different bands.
Stay tuned for further details. If and when any of these remixes get posted on the internet, I will definitely let you all
I have started a blog on my MySpace account which I have called "Studio Stories". Every so often, I will be
discussing the songs on the new album, and addressing questions that I have received about the songs, both in terms of lyrics
and production. Check it out!
I will also soon be doing an interview with the CBC as part of their ongoing "Artist Profile" series. Hopefully
I'll be able to post this segment on the net. I will let you all know when this segment will be broadcast.